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BLUES on the Harmonica  

Hamo's blues lesson

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ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ①ブルースフレーズ <Hamopedia /ハモペディア>
ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ②ベースライン <Hamopedia /ハモペディア>
ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ③ベースラインをトレインバンプで吹く <Hamopedia /ハモペディア>
ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ④マイナーのベースライン <Hamopedia>
ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ⑤マイナーのブルースフレーズ <Hamopedia /ハモペディア>
ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ⑥繰り返すブルースフレーズ <Hamopedia /ハモペディア>
ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ⑦コール&レスポンス <Hamopedia /ハモペディア>
ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ⑧ブレイク <Hamopedia /ハモペディア>
ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ⑨ルーズなスタイル/ルバート <Hamopedia /ハモペディア>
ハーモニカ ハモさんのブルースレッスン 全10回 ⑩エンディングフレーズ <Hamopedia /ハモペディア>

① Blues phrase

The basis of blues is call and response. In other words, it's a conversation. I asked Mr. Hamo to teach me how to make a blues phrase for "conversation" with my own thoughts in the ad lib phrase.

② Baseline

The fastest way to master the blues is to let the blues skeleton and baseline soak into your body. Here, using the 12-bar blues as an example, I tried to play from bassline practice to incorporating ad lib phrases.

③ Blow the baseline with a train bump

Use bumps to arrange the bassline like a drum. If you play it in combination with the conventional bass line, you can accompaniment both bass style and drum style by yourself.

④ Minor (minor / sad) baseline

Let's arrange the major (major) baseline that we have practiced so far into minor (minor). Just by changing the way the two sounds are played, it turns into a sad blues.

⑤ Minor blues phrase

As in Part 4, let's play a minor blues phrase by changing the way the two sounds are played. I asked Mr. Hamo how to use major and minor in blues.

⑥ Repeated phrase

Let's play powerfully by applying a phrase that repeats a simple melody to the ad lib phrase. By repeatedly increasing the speed and going up and down the scale, you can achieve a vigorous performance.

⑦ Call & Response

The basics of blues are call and response and conversation. Let's liven up the sound conversation by inserting the obbligato (the "matching hand" in music) at the right time.

⑧ Break

Break is a style in which a song is stopped and silenced during a performance, or only one person plays solo. Hamo's lesson recommends practicing two roles (accompaniment and solo at the same time) to learn breaks.

⑨ Loose style (rubato)

Learn the style of playing songs loosely without rhythm. Regardless of the bar or the exact tempo, the style of playing emotionally according to the atmosphere of the place and the meaning of the lyrics suits the blues well.

⑩ Ending phrase

The final episode of Hamo's blues lesson series. Practice the performance of the ending phrase to liven up the last stage. The call and response with Mr. Hamo is also a must-see.

Coming Soon

スクリーンショット 2019-07-28 20.34.50.png

It is an e-book with arrow scores, demo performances, and VR videos that you can learn repeatedly in the same way as the "learning drill" that you did when you were a kid. Hamo's blues lessons are all built around this instructional book. Please enjoy in the order of session drill → commentary by Mr. Hamo.

I also recommend this!

Instructional book

" The Blues Session Drill

 -10 After buying the Holes Harmonica

Made to participate in the blues session. "

¥ 2,000 (tax included)

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